Saturday, May 28, 2011

Farmers' Markets Update

Here we are, four weekends into the farmers' market season. In previous years, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday were hectic getting ready for and doing the markets. Monday through Wednesday were days to recover from the work load. This year has a different feel. We now have so many accounts that every day seems jam-packed. From an accounts recievable standpoint, my brother Seth's job, this is a great thing. From a bake-it, make sure it gets done standpoint it gets tougher. How to get it all done in the few open days that we have? That is a good question. I think that we have become more efficient. In fact, I know that we have. I guess that it's just apart of the growing pains of our bakery. As of today, Seth and I have one day off per week. My goal for this summer is to figure out how we can get two days off per week, despite all the extra work. I know that we can. Working harder and smarter will be the solution. Hopefully more smarter than harder because I think that we already work pretty hard. What I want is the ability to have a little bit more time to stand back and enjoy what the bakery has become and where it's going.

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